“A Just World for All”

New Jersey Association
United Church of Christ


The conference exists to provide its associations, churches, clergy and laity with an extensive and varied support system, challenging them to a higher, broader and deeper vision of Christian ministry; strengthening and sustaining them in their efforts to be faithful in mission, and linking them to wider church agencies and to each other. It strives to lift up and celebrate our unity in Christ, the gift of our heritage and the richness of our diversity; and to be an agent of mission in our society and the global community.

The purpose of the conference, in all its elements, is to support, challenge and strengthen the local churches, bringing them together in community and mission and in relation to the larger church and society, consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the United Church of Christ.

Mission, Vision, Values


Vision Statement

The New Jersey Association is Christ centered, local church-focused, and mission driven. We empower the local church to be faithful, creative, vital and bold in witness and action; impacting social problems in our communities, the region, nationally and globally.

Mission Statement

Empowered by Jesus' inclusive journey of love, justice, and hope, the New Jersey Association of the United Church of Christ strives to foster the strength and well-being of the church in all its settings. Our overarching goal is to embody and carry out our ministries in ways that manifest our unity in Christ and the richness of our diversity.


  • Extravagant and unconditional love

  • Spaces for courageous transformation

  • Respect of different ways we worship and serve

  • Justice for unamplified voices and those seeking equity and inclusion

  • God's righteousness and justice

  • Radical hospitality, inclusion and diversity

  • Prophetic Witness & Direct Action

"May we, as the body of Christ, pull up stakes and pitch our tents and go where God is and where God needs us. And may we, following in Jesus’ way, love unreservedly, seek justice persistently, and work faithfully for the Shalom of the World…"

— Rev. Freeman L. Palmer, Conference Minister

Central Atlantic Conference United Church of Christ

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